WIMBA Tokens 

What are tokens for? How do they differ and which ones should I choose?


WIMBA tokens are interchangeable parts that allow our orthoses to be fixed or modular. Each token provides motion protection within a controlled physiological range of motion. Your choice of three tokens with each orthosis assists each professional’s ability to monitor and progress the animal during its recovery and rehabilitation process. Tokens can also be customized to meet the specific needs of each animal. Each professional has autonomy in determining which tokens are best suited for each animal based on the medical and physical evaluations. The Wimba team is happy to consult with this as needed!

WIMBA Tokens 

Token Selection


For each orthesis, you can order up to 3 sets of tokens. The selection should depend on the way you plan the therapy for the patient. It can be a rigid token to immobilize anatomical structures, a token that allows physiological range of movement, or a progressive therapy plan to gradually increase joint mobility, where you will be changing the tokens over time to allow more ROM.

You can select from tokens with angles predefined by us (Standard token) or customize them (Custom Token) to the exact range needed.


How they work

Tokens' degrees describe maximal values of extension, NOT the range of motion (ROM). 

The digit you see in the app shows to which point (counting from 0° - full flexion) the limb will extend in orthosis.

e.g. 180° means that the token allows the limb to straighten up to 180 degrees.

However, 75° is the minimal flexion point (due to technological limitations of orthoses and tokens), so the flexion to point 0° (full flexion of the paw) will not be possible in the orthosis.

It means that the token with 180° flexion has the ROM of 105° (180° - 75°).

Such tokens can be used:

- to allow the dog to extend the joint to the physiological range, but not further

- as a mean of therapy - gradual increase of the range of movement depending on dog’s condition and needs


Those tokens are locked on a certain value. It means that this orthosis will be rigid, with zero movement range, blocked on the indicated degree.

Those can be used:

- as alternative to arthrodesis

- as a rigid bandage if there is a need to keep the paw rigid


Custom range tokens & blockers

Our app will offer you a certain selection of pre-defined token values (see below). However, we are aware that dogs come in all shapes and sizes and can have unique needs.

Hence there is a possibility to create your own, custom tokens - both with range of motion or blocked on specific value.

This way you can ensure that the therapy will be absolutely individual and adjusted to your patients' needs!


Tarsal tokens - how we measure

NOTE: If you have a pathology that requires a limitation of flexion, a Custom Token is recommended.



Tarsal tokens - examples



Carpal tokens - how we measure



Carpal tokens - examples



Wimba token

The WimbaTOKEN is a replaceable part in a circular shape placed in the centre of the orthosis hinge, that determinate the angles of flexion in the orthosis. 


Every token consists of 2 parts: 

  1. Inside part: it determinants the angle of flexion in orthosis
  2. Outside part: cover, with written “W” on it. The reinforced version of tokens is always equipped with TPU cover. 


WimbaTOKEN can fix the orthosis on desired angle (Wimba blocker) or allow movement in predefined angle (WimbaTOKEN Standard) or chosen by you (WimbaTOKEN Custom).


Marks on Tokens


Token with One Dot


Token with Two Dots



Look for dot markings on the inner axes of the orthosis and the tokens.

Fasten the tokens according to the markings:

  • One dot on the orthosis should align with the token that has one dot.
  • Similarly, two dots on the orthosis should match two dots on the token.


The "W" part should always be positioned on the outside of the orthosis.

Number inside

The part with the number is always on the inside. The number determines the angle.


The full circle with one number  

Indicates a blocker, fixing the orthosis at the specified angle.


Curve with one or two numbers: 

One Number (e.g., 180): Allows flexion up to the specified angle (e.g., up to 180° for maximum flexion).

Two Numbers (e.g., 75–160): Indicates a range of flexion, allowing movement between the two specified angles (e.g., flexion from 75° to 160°).

Wimba Standard Token



Wimba Custom Token

If any of the standard tokens meet your patient’s needs, you can decide the angle yourself.

Custom tokens are always gray.



Wimba Blocker 

A WimbaTOKEN designed to immobilize the orthosis, fixing the joint and allowing no movement.

Reinforced Token 

A WimbaTOKEN created for larger or more active dogs. 

If the tokens included with your order are in the reinforced version, you will receive an appendix explaining the following:

Tokens in this version consist of two parts:
a) Inner shell – responsible for the range of motion or immobilization of the joint,
b) TPU plug – placed on the outer side.


Wimba Therapy

Your personalized treatment plan that utilizes Wimba Tokens to support and enhance your patient's recovery process.