Wearing & Using The Orthosis

  1. How to help the dog start using the orthosis?
  2. How to put the orthosis on the dog? How should I set the angles?
  3. Can the dog wear the orthosis all the time?
  4. Can the dog go for walks with the orthosis on?
  5. If the dog has physiotherapy sessions, should the orthosis be on or off during them?
  6. Are the orthoses waterproof?
  7. How do I clean the orthosis?

1. How to help the dog start using the orthosis?

Individual wear schedule is always prepared by the veterinarian/therapist of the animal.

It is important to introduce the orthosis gradually. Initially, we recommend using positive reinforcement by way of treats, petting or toy engagement for when the dog is first introduced to the new object. Care should be taken to create a positive experience and environment when placing the orthotic on the affected limb. The first few times, the dog should only have the orthosis on for a few minutes. Wear time is recommended to be gradually increased once the pet demonstrates comfortability with the orthotic. 

Never leave the dog alone with the orthosis on.

2. How to put the orthosis on the dog? How should I set the angles?

The angle of the orthosis should be determined by a veterinarian or physiotherapist according to Wimba Therapy assumptions. Detailed information for veterinarians can be found in the Introduction materials.

3. Can the dog wear the orthosis all the time?

Absolutely not! WIMBA orthoses should not be worn all the time. This could lead to undesirable effects. The dog can and should wear the orthosis for functional mobility and activities of daily living. It is recommended for the pet to take breaks from wearing it, even during the day. The orthosis should be removed at night and in the absence of the caregiver.

4. Can the dog go for walks with the orthosis on?

Certainly! It’s best to use the orthosis during functional weight bearing activities, when the dog’s limb requires support.

5. If the dog has physiotherapy sessions, should the orthosis be on or off during them?

It depends on the type of rehabilitation. Typically, physical and kinetic rehabilitation (exercises, treadmill, UWTM) should be performed while wearing the orthosis. Other therapeutic procedures (laser, shockwave, electrostimulation) should be performed without them. Ultimately, this is at the discretion of the professionals providing these services.

6. Are the orthoses waterproof

Yes, WIMBA orthoses are fully waterproof. Dogs can swim, participate in underwater treadmill therapy, and walk on rainy days while wearing them. It is important to rinse the salt water, or water treated with chlorine or bromine off of the orthoses and to thoroughly dry them to prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi. Do not use a hairdryer for drying to avoid deformation. 

7. How do I clean the orthosis?

Cleaning the orthosis is very simple and does not require special products. Use mild soap and warm water, rinse thoroughly, and let it air dry. Do not use any abrasive products. It is important to allow the orthosis to fully dry to prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi. Do not use a hairdryer for drying to avoid deforming the orthosis. For more information please check Users Manuals for our Orthosis