Tips on Scanning (WimbaSCAN)

In this article you will discover tips and tricks on what to look out for when doing WimbaSCAN. 



WimbaSCAN Checklists - PDF with the most important steps when scanning

1. Handheld Scanning Tips for WIMBA Stifle Brace

Whether you're new to the process or looking to improve your scanning technique, we've got you covered!  In the case of the WIMBA Stifle Brace, there are two scanning methods: the traditional approach using Autodolly or manually, by recording with your phone in hand. Today, we'll focus on the challenges of improperly handled recordings, particularly when scanning for a knee orthosis.



  • Maintain Consistent Height: When recording handheld, ensure that the camera remains at the same height as your dog's knee throughout the scan. Consistency in height ensures accurate measurements and a seamless scanning process.
  • Keep a Constant Distance: Maintain a steady distance from your dog's leg without making sudden or erratic movements, unless necessary (such as navigating around the thigh). This ensures that the scan captures the knee area accurately without distortion.
  • Stay Close to the Dog: Avoid standing too far away from the dog during the recording. Focus on capturing the leg and the scanning mat, rather than surrounding elements like carpets or people.
  • Avoid Height Adjustments: Whenever possible, refrain from changing the height of the recording during the scan. Settle on a comfortable height for your arm to maintain a consistent perspective throughout the recording.

By adhering to these guidelines for handheld recordings, you'll ensure precise scans and optimal results for your dog's knee orthosis design.

2. Scanning for the WIMBA Stifle Brace using Autodolly

The other option of scanning for the WIMBA Stifle Brace is using Autodolly. This advanced method offers precise scanning capabilities, but it comes with its own set of considerations to ensure optimal results. Here is what you should know!



  • Stabilize Your Dog: Maintain your dog's balance during the scan. If you are scanning a single leg, the dog should stand on the opposite, healthy leg. The dog should not stand on the affected limb.
  • Check Autodolly's Path: Before initiating the scan, verify that Autodolly's trajectory doesn't intersect with your dog's other limbs or your legs. Avoid potential collisions to prevent disruptions during scanning.
  • Ensure Autodolly Stability: Confirm that Autodolly is securely set up and won't tip over during operation. Stability is crucial to maintain a consistent scanning process.
  • Optimal Autodolly Positioning: Adjust Autodolly to encompass your entire dog, from paw tips to the back, ensuring the camera captures comprehensive data. Additionally, ensure the scanning mat is visible within the frame.
  • Maintain Autodolly Position: While the Autodolly can be positioned outside the mat, ensure it doesn't stray off and back onto the mat during scanning, maintaining consistent movement.
  • Correct Lighting: Prioritize proper lighting conditions to facilitate clear and detailed scans. Adequate illumination is essential for accurate measurements and orthosis design.
  1. Check Marker and Bandage: Prior to each scan, verify that the marker is correctly positioned and the bandage hasn't shifted, ensuring accurate results.

By adhering to these guidelines, you'll maximize the effectiveness of Autodolly scanning, resulting in precise measurements and a tailored WIMBA Stifle Brace for your furry companion.


Please note: The article will be updated with more videos presenting the whole process.

3. Poor Video Quality

Now let's dive into the next crucial aspect when doing the WIMBA scan - video quality. 



  • Record in 4K Quality: Check the settings on your phone and ensure that videos are recorded in the highest possible quality, preferably in 4K resolution. 
  • Avoid Social Messengers: Do not send videos through popular social messengers, as they may compress files and reduce quality. Instead, use a platform for file transfer in the original quality, such as WeTransfer.
  • Avoid Cropping Videos: Do not crop videos on your phone before sending them for scanning. Cropping may degrade the recording quality.
  • Color Saturation: Ensure that colors are adequately saturated and not faded for optimal scanning results.
  • Clean Camera Lens: Check if the camera lens is clean and free from smudges or dirt that may affect the recording quality.

By following these tips, you'll enhance the accuracy of your WimbaSCAN and ensure the best possible outcome for your orthosis design. Remember, the better the quality of your recordings, the smoother the process will be!


4. Blurred Video Quality 

Don't ignore the video sharpness. Remember that your scans should be crystal clear from start to finish and you can achieve that by following the following tips:



  • Set Focus on the Paw: When recording, ensure the focus is set on your dog's paw from the very beginning. This helps maintain clarity throughout the scanning process.
  • Mind Your Composition: Avoid including your head or other objects in the frame's background, as this may shift the lens focus. Keep the focus solely on the paw.
  • Limit Wide-Angle Usage: If your camera tends to produce lower quality with wide-angle shots, opt for a narrower field of view to maintain clarity in the recording.
  • Watch Out for Fur: Be mindful of your dog's fur creeping into the frame, especially the fluffy tail. Gently lift the tail during recording to prevent it from obstructing the view.

By adhering to these tips, you'll ensure that your WimbaSCAN captures every detail with precision, leading to a flawless orthosis design. Remember, sharp videos lead to sharp results!

5. Inadequate Lighting

One of the common challenges during WimbaSCAN is improper lighting, either too bright or too dark environment. Achieving the right illumination is crucial for accurate scans and a seamless orthosis design process.



  • Mind Your Light Sources: Be cautious of strong, direct light sources that can cause overexposure and create harsh shadows on the recording. These can hinder the creation of a 3D model of your dog's paw and result in uneven scans.
  • Ensure Even Illumination: Make sure that there are no areas of intense light or glare, particularly on the scanning mat. It's essential for all elements on the mat to be clearly visible in the recording to facilitate accurate scanning.
  • Avoid Dim Environments: While you don't want overly bright lighting, ensure that the room is adequately lit during the scanning process. Too dim of an environment can lead to poor recording quality and affect the scan's accuracy.
  • Use Diffused Lighting: Opt for diffused lighting sources to avoid harsh highlights and strong shadows in the frame. This helps maintain balanced lighting conditions for optimal scanning results.

By paying attention to these lighting considerations, you'll create an optimal environment for your WimbaSCAN, ensuring precise scans and a pawfect fit for your dog's orthosis.

6. Moving Dog

Let's address the next common issue during WimbaSCAN: dealing with a moving dog. Keeping your dog patient still during the scanning process is essential for accurate results and a successful orthosis design.



  • Keep Your Dog's Paw Still: Prioritize keeping your dog's paw still throughout the scanning process. Any movement or lifting of the paw can disrupt the scan and compromise the accuracy of the 3D model.
  • Avoid Sitting or Lifting: Prevent your dog from sitting or lifting their paw during the scan. These movements can disqualify the scan and prevent the creation of an accurate model. If needed, gently restrain your dog to ensure they remain in the desired position.

By maintaining your dog's stability during the scan, you'll increase the likelihood of obtaining precise measurements and achieving a perfect fit for their orthosis.


7. Improper Bandaging

Properly wrapping your dog with vet wrap is essential for a successful WimbaSCAN. Here are some key considerations to ensure the bandaging is done correctly.



  • Ensure Proper Fit: The bandage should snugly conform to your dog's leg without being too tight or too loose. It's important for the bandage to provide adequate support while allowing for comfortable movement.
  • Check for Secure Endings: Pay special attention to the end of the bandage to ensure it doesn't come loose during the scanning process. A secure ending prevents unraveling and maintains the integrity of the wrap.
  • Not Too Low: Be mindful not to wrap the bandage too tightly around your dog's leg or too low, especially when bandaging for a tarsal brace. 

By adhering to these bandaging guidelines, you'll set the stage for a successful WimbaSCAN, ensuring precise measurements and a tailored orthosis design for your furry companion.